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RINED Research Institute

The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation is registered at the National Research Registry Office of the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Since 2003, the research institute conducts neuroscientific and psycho-pedagogical studies in collaboration with numerous national and international partners.

Thanks to this work, new theoretical and practical models of knowledge are identified with the aim of improving people’s quality of life. The institute promotes wellbeing and cognitive, physical, psychological and emotional health from childhood to adulthood.
It contributes towards the integration of educational systems, training and technological innovation. Further, with its research activity, conferences and the dissemination of results, campaigns and events, it fosters the application of scientific knowledge and contributes to the global advancement of social and cultural development.


Sapienza University of Rome

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Biology and Biotechnology Department “Charles Darwin”

Foro Italico University of Rome

University of Padova

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Leslie and Susan Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center

Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center of Learning Disabilities
Haifa University

Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology (IBPM)
National Research Council

Biomedical Campus University

Sapienza University of Rome

  • Biology and Biotechnology Department “Charles Darwin”
  • Psychology Department, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
  • Physiology and Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
  • Faculty of Medicine and Psychology: Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Services

University of Padua

  • International Hope Research Team
  • Laboratory for Research and intervention in vocational guidance (La.r.i.o.s) Department of Psychology

Department of Neuroscience

The knowledge of the brain, sensory-motor and mind body training, meditation and mindful practices influence the cognitive and psycho-emotional functioning of the individual. Scientific research carried out by the RINED Neuroscience Department studies their effect on health and wellbeing.

The brain is plastic. Specific stimuli can sustain its development and act on its degenerative processes, inhibiting their onset and limiting their growth. Our researchers, in collaboration with numerous national and international partners, study the electrophysiological, neuroanatomical and molecular mediators at the foundation of these processes. The objective thereof is to contribute to the improved comprehension of the continuous, dynamic and complex interaction between the human being and the environment; between brain and movement; between cognition, emotion and action.

The RINED Department of Neuroscience identifies new theoretical and practical models of knowledge. Patrizio Paoletti’s spherical model of consciousness, developed over more than two decades of research and experimentally applied in the educational field, has been studied by numerous internationally renowned researchers in the field of neuroscience.

For info and collaboration

Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan,
Neuroscientist – Director of the Research Institute for Neuroscience, Education and Didactics (RINED)

Permanent Conferences


Silence is able to improve the quality of life substantially. There is an ever increasing number of studies, from various fields of knowledge and all over the world, that are studying the way in which silence helps reduce the burden of stress that we accumulate each day. Silence thus produces a positive, long term impact on the brain and on different cognitive functions. I.C.O.N.S., International Conference on the Neurophysiology of Silence, is the first international conference on the topic of silence.

Department of Psychopedagogy

“We support a pedagogy that can use neuroscientific discoveries, that teaches children and adolescents to become aware of their abilities” (Rita Levi Montalcini, 2004)

Knowledge and progress in the educational and didactic field offer the possibility to adopt more adequate approaches to the ongoing changes in the most diverse contexts, from school to university, from politics to management, from business to the scientific world, from personal to family life.

The increase of research on the management of emotions, language and cognitive development and bodily movement form the basis of the most recent studies on learning. These research topics together with preschool enrichment programs and their application and dissemination represent the heart of the activity of the RINED Department of Education and Didactics.

For info and collaborations

Tania Di Giuseppe,
Psychologist in charge
Department of Psycho-pedagogical Research:

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