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The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation at the Paris Conference on Education (PCE)

The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation participated with a scientific speech on resilience at the Paris Conference on Education (PCE). The conference was held in-person and online in Paris 16th-19th June.

The foundation presented the publication of the scientific poster “Envisioning the Future: Ten Keys to Enhance Resilience Predictors Among Immates” (see here) and intervened thanks to the participation of Giulia Perasso, PhD and researcher of the foundation.

The foundation illustrated the project’s results “Envisioning the Future: methods and techniques to enhance hope and planning ability”, conceived by the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation and realized at the Padua prison in 2021 in collaboration with Padua University and with the co-financing of the Mediolanum non-profit foundation. The project was realized by a team of psychologists and trainers of the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, in online modality. The objective of the training course is to value the positive inner resources of the workers, such as resilience and planning for the future in moments of uncertainty and difficulty. “Envisioning the future” offered tools to face the challenges resulting from the pandemic and increase the ability to generate resilient contexts. The project involved the inmates and staff of the Padua prison “I due Palazzi (the two buildings)”.

Giulia Perasso’s presentation for the Paris Conference on Education is available at the following link:

The Paris Conference on Education (PCE) gathers delegates from different national, cultural and language backgrounds in Paris, France, to present new research and exchange ideas. The PCE welcomes speakers and delegates from all areas of education. Academics and theorists, political managers and professsionals, both from the private and public sector participate in the event. The objective of the conference is to nourish the debate and stimulate discussions on the latest concepts and approaches in education.

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