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What are we doing to welcome the Ukrainian refugees and protect their wellbeing

There are already more than3 million peoplewho have escaped from Ukraine since February 24. The number of refugees at the border with Romania is increasing daily by at least 1000 people every day (data from the inspectorate for emergency situations of Iasi and the prefect of Iasi). On top of that Ukraine has forbidden able men from 18 to 60 years old to leave the country, so most refugees are women, old people and children: according to the UN security council the latter amount to more than 1 and a half million.

The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, whose mission it has been to cultivate the absolute value of peace for more than 21 years, has acted since the beginning of the conflict, intervening on several fronts. Given that most Ukrainian refugees were able to take very few possessions with them, the very first action was to collect and send goods of first necessity to the refugees. We immediately started a precious collaboration with the Foundation Progetto Arca NGO. In addition to that we benefited from the support of the New Life for Children NGO and a generous donation of garments from the company Macron.

Our professionals were supported in the collection, preparation and transport of goods to be sent by a special volunteer: Valerii, an engineer from Kiev (Irpin) who only after two days of having escaped to Italy immediately acted to help his people. Read his story here

The convoy of collected donations arrived the morning of March 10 at Volovat in Romania, at the border of Ukraine. The day after, our staff arrived to offer their support to the reception center of Milisauti, approximately 30 km from the border of Siret.

Here we are on the front line of the aid operations and reception in collaboration with Foundation Progetto Arca NGO. We are experiencing the constant flow of people first hand. We are experiencing the constant flow of people first hand. They are almost all women with their children who travel in whatever condition, in the cold, without food and water, in order to reunite with relatives in other European countries or simply to find comfort, safety and peace. We are collecting their stories, stories of great suffering but also of resilience, which we will tell you in the next few days.

In the meantime we want to let you know beforehand that the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation is preparing to use its entire scientific and pedagogical experience to offer Ukrainian children educational support in a process of reciprocal hospitality and inclusion. We want to contribute to the great force seeking to protect the psycho-physical wellbeing of thousands of children who are arriving in our country, offering them and their parents the tools to develop resilience and rebuild their lives after the traumatic events of the war. .

Tutto questo non sarebbe stato possibile senza la sensibilità di All this would not have been possible without the sensitivity of hundreds of people who donated and are still donating these days towards the next actions that we will implement.

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