Educare i bambini

Play and Brain Development
Since Neumann’s “Game Theory” was used in the 1940s to explain human behavior in fields such as economics, politics and biology, it has become increasingly clear that play is not just a form of entertainment for children and adults. Instead, play is a crucial element in the development and nurtur…

The Global Day of Parents brings denatality in Italy to the fore
For the Global Day of Parents set for 1 June 2023 by the United Nations, the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, which is dedicated to research and training for the wellbeing of individuals, families and the community, shares tools for parents, such as the webinar “ What type of parent do you want to b…

“EQ Students” is here, the project that studies new models to develop emotional intelligence in children and young people
The foundation is the Italian partner of “EQ Students”, a unique project that resolves to develop, test and implement a complete system to support the development of emotional intelligence in school children (age 6 – 15), with the active participation of primary and lower secondary schools, paren…

The new Erasmus Plus “Platonic” is here. The project to counteract developmental delays in children from 0-6 years of age begins
The PLATONIC project springs from the need to create tools to identify developmental delays in children early on. Professionals from the field of psychology, medicine, science and education suggest that the earlier the intervention begins the greater is the possibility to improve the developmenta…