“EQ Students” is here, the project that studies new models to develop emotional intelligence in children and young people
The foundation is the Italian partner of “EQ Students”, a unique project that resolves to develop, test and implement a complete system to support the development of emotional intelligence in school children (age 6 – 15), with the active participation of primary and lower secondary schools, parents, experts and partners of the project in the participating countries. In the long term it will contribute to the creation of an emotionally intelligent generation, increase IE awareness in schools and in the job market!
The project wants to pursue the following objectives:
- Develop, test and implement a complete system to support the development of EI in school children (age 6-15) with the active participation of the end users
- Improve teachers’ and specialits’ ability to teach EI to children
- Support parents in developing the emotional intelligence of their children
- Promote the development of EI components in national eductional systems
- Contribute long term to raising emotionally intelligent generations.
The project therefore calls for the development of the following outcomes:
- Working model with a student aged 6-10 for the development of emotional intelligence;
- Working model with a student aged 11-15 for the development of emotional intelligence;
- Emotional intelligence evaluation tool for students from 11 to 15 years old;
- Training toolkit for teachers and parents to develop emotional intelligence in children and young people between the age of 6 and 15;
- Hybrid game for kids aged 11 to 15;
The foundation will develop the fourth output – the Training Toolkit for teachers and parents through the creation of a training course in e-learning modality. The foundation will also be responsible for the project’s results evaluation.
For more information, write us an email at:
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