Caravan of the Heart 2021: together to promote research and education
The memorable orange bracelet and slogan “Live passionately” add color to the beaches and cities of Italy. From the bright eyes of our volunteers, underneath the mask, a message shines through that goes beyond the momentary restrictions: “Smiling is a social duty.”
In this depiction of the XVII edition of the Caravan of the Heart, also this year the volunteers of the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation were the key players on the beaches and in the cities of Italy. In the period of July to September, in full compliance with the containment provisions of Covid-19, another beautiful awareness raising campaign was organized, meeting thousands of people, and more than 20 million people since 2005.
Thanks to the Caravan of the Heart, our fundraising has become a yearly “date” awaited by many supporters, and a surprising dialogue with hundreds of new people that welcome our mission: education is key to change. A magical moment of encounter in which we share reflections and intentions in regards to the most important themes of humanity in this moment of history. In this way, every year we meet and together we choose to be, even with small actions, active part of our planet’s future.
With the Caravan of the Heart campaign we have managed to support our neuroscientific and psychopedagogical research projects, producing free products accessible to all and not only aimed at adults and children who are part of specific marginalized contexts but also dedicated to every family that finds itself facing the health, psychological and social emergency of this time.
We want to say a thousand THANKS to all the people we have met and to all of our volunteers. Thanks for being with us and for continuing to make our objective of a better world ever more concrete.
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