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Promote education that changes the world

Donate the 5×1000

to the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation

Tax Number Patrizio Paoletti Foundation

In order to donate the 5×1000 you must have income subject to taxation in Italy.

The 5xmille is easy, free and fundamental. It is the perfect donation to help us make education more innovative, accessible and useful to all.

We want an increasing number of children to grow up with the possibility of expressing their full potential. We would like that adults become aware of their role and the responsibility of their actions. Only then will people of today and tomorrow know how to manage change and guarantee a better world to future generations.

Support the education that changes the world! You only have to sign your individual income tax return with the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation’s tax number:


Employees and/or retirees who have expenses to be deducted can present the 730 form.
Here is how:



You can download the 730 form directly from the income revenue authority. Alternatively you can turn to one of the public offices of your municipality.



Look for the box marked “Support for voluntary work and other nonprofit organizations…”, enter the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation tax code 94092660540 and sign.



You can submit the completed and signed 730 form to your local CAF or accountant. You can also submit it to your employer, if they are part of the list qualified to transmit the form.

Submission by 30/09/2022.


Employees and/or retirees with expenses to be deducted may submit the income tax statement.
Here’s how:



The employer will give you the form concerning the allocation of the 5×1000 together with the income tax statement.



Compilation Look for the box marked “Support for voluntary work and other non-profit organizations…”, enter the tax code of Patrizio Paoletti Foundation 9409266054094092660540 and sign.



Submit the completed and signed form at the post office in a sealed envelope. It is free. On the envelope write “Form for the choices of the allocation of the eight, five and two per thousand of the Irpef”, your tax code and your first name and last name.

Submit by 30/11/2022


All taxpayers are eligible to file the (single) income form.tutti i contribuenti.
Here’s how::



Puoi scaricare il Modello Redditi direttamente dal sito delle Agenzie delle Entrate.



Cerca il box con la dicitura “Sostegno del volontariato e delle altre organizzazioni non lucrative…”, inserisci il codice fiscale della Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti 94092660540 e firma.



Consegna il Modello Redditi compilato e firmato presso gli uffici postali. In alternativa, puoi rivolgerti al CAF di zona, o al tuo commercialista, che lo invieranno in forma telematica.

Entro il 30/11/2022


Send an email with the tax code of the foundation to your accountant or other professional helping you with your individual income tax return.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

The 5×1000 is for free, right?

Yes, that is correct.

The 5×1000 is a part of the IRPEF (type of income tax). It is definitely not an extra expense. If you decide not to allocate the 5×1000 to anyone, that part of the IRPEF will still go to the state.

I already donate the 8×1000: can I still choose to also donate the 5×1000?

They are two distinct actions and not alternatives to each other.

Every taxpayer can continue to donate the 8×1000 regardless of the possibility of allocating the 5×1000.

What do I have to do precisely to make sure my contribution actually goes to the Paoletti Foundation?

You just have to sign the field designated “Support of nonprofit organizations …”, specifying the tax code in the space below the signature.

What happens if I just sign without indicating the tax code?

If the tax code is not specified, the amount will not be attributed to the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, but will be divided in proportion to the number of preferences received by the associations belonging to the same category.

I don’t have to present an individual income tax return: can I still choose whom to allocate my 5×1000 to?

What is the deadline for the submission of the individual income tax return?

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