Category: evidenza
Although self-esteem is widely studied in the behavioral sciences, its neuroanatomical basis is still largely unknown. For example, reduced self-esteem has been associated with increased...
The new technostress and “old” addictions: be educated and educate to manage mental health risks.
Different kinds of addictions are significant mental health risk factors and education can make a big difference in our ability to manage them.
Let’s move! Movement as an integral part of learning from Montessori to AIS… and some advice for parents and educators
As in many other areas, with regards to the cognitive function of movement, Maria Montessori was a great precursor. The great pedagogist teaches us that from the moment children...
Educate the inner world and be healthy consciously
April 7 marked the 75th World Health Day with the motto Health For All! The day, announced by the World Health Organization, is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made over...
Caravan of the Heart 2021: together to promote research and education
The memorable orange bracelet and slogan “Live passionately” add color to the beaches and cities of Italy. From the bright eyes of our volunteers, underneath the mask, a message...
Project Recreate Yourself: in the outskirts of Rome to give back the space and time of childhood to our children
Support families and minors (4-17 years) in managing the educational, social and economic emergency by resuming educational activities after a year of isolation. Foster the inclusive...