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The portal for your well-being and educating your mind



Research and the brain

Learn more about all the content developed by Patrizio Paoletti Foundation related to neuroscience, research and projects implemented.

Protecting the brain. What strategies?

Understanding the brain has been a complex and fascinating challenge for humans for centuries. Ov…

Silence is health: Patrizio Paoletti Foundation at Sapienza University

Silence is golden, even for health. Current scientific research is confirming that silence can be…

Paoletti Foundation organizes a two-fold event on the brain mechanisms that regulate our lives: silence and psychophysics, ICONS and the Fechner Day

On the morning of October 22, 1850, psychologist and statistician Gustav Theodor Fechner, while i…

Frontiere educative

Tutti i contenuti educativi sviluppati dal team di ricerca, per una educazione d’eccellenza, per tutti.

Play and Brain Development

Since Neumann’s “Game Theory” was used in the 1940s to explain human behavior in fields such as e…

“To grow together”: the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation campaign

The lack of emotional skills at the social level is a phenomenon increasingly detailed by researc…

The Global Day of Parents brings denatality in Italy to the fore

For the Global Day of Parents set for 1 June 2023 by the United Nations, the Patrizio Paoletti Fo…


Approfondisci tutti i contenuti sviluppati da Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti per saperne di più sui temi dell’adolescenza

The psychosocial well-being of adolescents

Adolescence, or the transition phase from childhood to adult life, is a special and delicate peri…

Risks and extraordinary potentials of the adolescent brain. Interview with Tania Di Giuseppe, psychotherapist and head of psycho-pedagogical research

What happens in the brains of adolescents and what is the latest from the psycho-pedagogical rese…

Adolescence, social media and self-esteem

Mir spasët krasotà: beauty will save the world. Mir means ‘peace’ and not only ‘world’ in Russian…

Salute Mentale

Non c’è salute senza salute mentale. Il portale di Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti per il tuo benessere.

Neuro degenerazione

Le ricerche di Fondazione Paoletti sulla neuro degenerazione.

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