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The new Erasmus Plus “i-School” project is officially starting, to promote cultural heritage in school

The i-SCHOOL project contributes to recognizing the social and educational value of the European cultural heritage. Its main objective is to promote knowledge and increase awareness of teachers and students in regards to their country’s cultural heritage. The partners of the project, made up of organizations from Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and Italy commit themselves to promote the spreading of a new cultural sensitivity, realizing innovative material in order to integrate cultural heritage in school education.

Some of the objectives of the project are:

  • Developing primary and secondary school teachers’ ability to integrate cultural heritage in the creative educational practices using an interdisciplinary approach;
  • Increase students’ and teachers’ knowledge and awareness of their country’s cultural heritage;
  • Development of a series of digital and interactive tools: educational program for teachers and students (10-15 years old);
  • Develop relationships/synergies between schools, cultural institutions, youth NGO’s;

The above-mentioned objectives can only be reached through the achievement of the following results:

  • Online I-SCHOOL course for primary and secondary school teachers
  • Tool kit for the I-SCHOOL cultural heritage (training pack with interactive educational sessions)
  • E-Learning platform (platform that will hold all the didactic and training material and will allow teachers and experts to share material)
  • Digital game – “Cultural Warriors” (application)

The foundation is responsible for the realization of the online course for teachers (IO1).

For more information, write us an email at:




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