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Counteracting cognitive decline is a teamwork for body and mind: Fondazione Paoletti’s research on Quadrato Motor Training at AD/PD Conference

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s still represent a very difficult and unsolved challenge for researchers. Their prevalence among the world’s population calls for the need to improve the tools to counteract them and find new and more effective ones.

Scientific research has shown that the most effective training to counteract cognitive decline are those that combine mental and physical effort. In this direction, the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, with its research institute, RINED, has been conducting research for years on the Quadrato Motor Training (QMT) technique, conceived by Patrizio Paoletti. It is a motoric technique that trains the attention and the ability of “active waiting”, that is, an ability for neutral readiness with respect to stimuli.

The research conducted so far has shown that QMT may counteract cognitive decline through brain synchronization. Preliminary results of this research will be presented by Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan, director of RINED, at the International AD/PD 2022 Conference, with a paper entitled: “Quadratic Motor Training as a Possible Tool for Cognitive Sensorimotor Training in Neurodegenerative States”. The conference will be held in Barcelona, in-person and online, from March 15 to 20. For more information about the event:

The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation has been researching the possible benefit of Quadratic Motor Training for patients with neurodegenerative disorders for several years and further studies are currently underway. To learn more, visit the RINED website:

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