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Articles written by: CIRO SCATEGNI

The foundation is the Italian partner of “EQ Students”, a unique project that resolves to develop, test and implement a complete system to support the development of emotional intelligence in schoo…
Parte ufficialmente i-School
The i-SCHOOL project contributes to recognizing the social and educational value of the European cultural heritage. Its main objective is to promote knowledge and increase awareness of teachers and…
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May 5th and 6th the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation in Rome hosted the kick-off meeting of the AIDA project, with collaborating, European organizations from Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Bulgaria a…
Il nuovo Erasmus Plus Platonic è realtà
The PLATONIC project springs from the need to create tools to identify developmental delays in children early on. Professionals from the field of psychology, medicine, science and education suggest…
Da Kiev ad Assisi
How concrete the words resilience, strength and determination can be, becomes evident immediately when looking into the eyes of Valerii. Engineer, 67 years old, today he is one of the millions of r…
Patrizio Paoletti al Global Education Forum di Madrid
On Tuesday, October 5, 2021 the president Patrizio Paoletti contributed with a speech at the event entitled “Social Impact – How can higher education accelerate achievement of the SDGs?”. It was o…

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