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OneSpot Educational
in Nepal


In collaboration with


Children and women
who are victims
of gender violence


Educators and school teachers

The project is part of the international programme Schools in The World that promotes educational interventions and avantgarde pedagogical training with the aim of contributing to the physical and psychic wellbeing of the project’s beneficiaries

Area of intervention

Country: Nepal
Region: Kathmandu
District: Kathmandu


Present in the country since 2016
Annual project: January 2020 – December 2021


APEIRON – Una Mano Per Il Nepal

Present in the country

Since April 2016


The project is in its second year of the three-year programme “OneSpot Educational -Nepal”, commenced by our organization and Apeiron – Nepal in 2019. It offers courses of psycho-social rehabilitation and reintegration into the community, aimed at women survivors of gender violence and children victims of witnessing violence. The course of psycho-social rehabilitation follows specific phases after reporting to the authorities. 1) taking responsibility with the aim of personal empowerment; 2) social reintegration – fundamental to reduce the rate of relapse into violent situations. Our project operates to take responsibility for and accompany women to the end of reaching independence and freedom of choice on the economic and personal level. The women taken on have suffered violence by their spouses and in-laws, have had miscarriages as a result of family abuse, others have attempted suicide along with their children, others are even minors.


  1. Develop the conditions to be able to educate and instruct children, victims of witnessing violence and their mothers, survivors of gender violence.
  2. Support women who are victims of gender violence, in the upbringing of their children, through nutritional and health interventions.
  3. Train educators and professionals committed to assisting families who are victims of violence


Educational component:

  • Sponsorship of school fees, school material and uniforms for 25 children a year.

Health component:

  • Basic healthcare focused on prevention (typhus fever, diphtheria, Japanese encephalitis, dysentery, infections, etc.) through 2 medical exams a year for all beneficiary children;
  • Purchase and supply of necessary medication.

Nutritional component:

  • Monitor children at risk of malnutrition;

Training component:

  • Series of training and continuous education seminars for teachers, to learn updated didactic and pedagogical practices.

Expected results


The beneficiaries of the project have completed the established study cycle and in doing so have improved their own conditions of life and personal development.


The beneficiaries’ health has improved through the realization of a preventative medical programme and the supply of adequate quantities of medicine.


The cases of malnutrition have been reduced amongst the beneficiaries of our project, through the provision of food stockpile and ad hoc monthly assistance.


The educators, the professionals of CasaNepal and the teachers have improved their teaching efficacy thanks to the continuous education and improvement of their knowledge and pedagogical practices.


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