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Increase your well-being

Proteggere il cervello

Protecting the brain. What strategies?

Understanding the brain has been a complex and fascinating challenge for humans for centuries. Over time, it has been recognized as the seat of the rational part of the soul, thought, higher psychic functions, or the unconscious. Amidst complexity and fragility, the brain is at the center of the …
Gioco e sviluppo cerebrale

Play and Brain Development

Since Neumann’s “Game Theory” was used in the 1940s to explain human behavior in fields such as economics, politics and biology, it has become increasingly clear that play is not just a form of entertainment for children and adults. Instead, play is a crucial element in the development and nurtur…

Silence is health: Patrizio Paoletti Foundation at Sapienza University

Silence is golden, even for health. Current scientific research is confirming that silence can become a protective factor for the mind and overall body health, especially when sought intentionally. The conference I.C.O.N.S. International Conference On The Neurophysiology Of Silence – Neurophysiol…
Benessere adolescenti

The psychosocial well-being of adolescents

Adolescence, or the phase of passage from childhood to adult life, is a special and delicate period. It is a priority to ensure the psychosocial well-being of young people. To do so, it is first and foremost important to support them as they grow.
Grave crisi di autostima tra gli adolescenti

Are we experienceing a global self-esteem crisis? Self-esteem education as a possible response to the mental health emergency in adolescence

There are many factors that seem to point to a severe self-esteem crisis among adolescents, from the boom in cosmetic surgery, to the increase in anxiety and depression, and the rise in cases of suicide among university students. The exposure to aesthetic and high-performance social models, marke…
Salute mentale

Educate the inner world and be healthy consciously

April 7 marked the 75th World Health Day with the motto Health For All! The day, announced by the World Health Organization, is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made over the years and on the current mental health crisis, especially among adolescents.

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