Brain functioning

Protecting the brain. What strategies?
Understanding the brain has been a complex and fascinating challenge for humans for centuries. Over time, it has been recognized as the seat of the rational part of the soul, thought, higher psychic functions, or the unconscious. Amidst complexity and fragility, the brain is at the center of the …

Play and Brain Development
Since Neumann’s “Game Theory” was used in the 1940s to explain human behavior in fields such as economics, politics and biology, it has become increasingly clear that play is not just a form of entertainment for children and adults. Instead, play is a crucial element in the development and nurtur…

Risks and extraordinary potentials of the adolescent brain. Interview with Tania Di Giuseppe, psychotherapist and head of psycho-pedagogical research
What happens in the brains of adolescents and what is the latest from the psycho-pedagogical research and projects of Patrizio Paoletti Foundation? We find out in this interview with Tania Di Giuseppe, head of the Foundation’s psycho-pedagogical research area.

Education based on neuroscience to realize our potential: interview with Elena Perolfi, head of training projects
In this interview with Elena Perolfi, head of the Foundation’s educational and training projects, we find out how a child’s brain grows amid neurodevelopment, synaptogenesis, and education, and how Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti applies this knowledge in its educational practice with young children.

Paoletti Foundation organizes a two-fold event on the brain mechanisms that regulate our lives: silence and psychophysics, ICONS and the Fechner Day
On the morning of October 22, 1850, psychologist and statistician Gustav Theodor Fechner, while in his bed recovering from an eye injury, had an insight that is considered the basis of modern psychophysics. The law Fechner formulated based on that insight was, “For the intensity of a sensation to…

Becoming parents: the brain’s second life
It is a common experience and often reported by fathers and mothers that the arrival of a new born child starts a new and completely different life. This transformational experience can be seen from many points of view and neuroscientific research shows how profound the brain change is. What goes…

The neuroscience of self-esteem: 5 research-based tips for valuing ourselves
Although self-esteem is widely studied in the behavioral sciences, its neuroanatomical basis is still largely unknown. For example, reduced self-esteem has been associated with increased brain activity in regions of the anterior insula and dorsal part of the anterior cingulate cortex, the same re…

At 21 Minutes – Tali Sharot’s research on brain optimism : benefits and risks for mental health
One of the most important insights produced by neuroscience in recent years is undoubtedly the discovery of how much the ability to imagine characterizes us as a species and the difference it has made in our evolution. The ability to abstract ourselves from the data present to our senses at a giv…

The Foundation is the Italian partner of AIDA, the project that studies new models for the social inclusion of Alzheimer patients
May 5th and 6th the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation in Rome hosted the kick-off meeting of the AIDA project, with collaborating, European organizations from Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Bulgaria and Slovenia. In AIDA, the cultural, health and digital world form an alliance to support the trainin…

Counteracting cognitive decline is a teamwork for body and mind: Fondazione Paoletti’s research on Quadrato Motor Training at AD/PD Conference
Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s still represent a very difficult and unsolved challenge for researchers. Their prevalence among the world’s population calls for the need to improve the tools to counteract them and find new and more effective ones.