Scientific publications
Department of Psychopedagogy
Chapters in volumes, articles and publications presented as a part of scientific conferences
- Di Giuseppe, T., Serantoni, G., Glicksohn, J., Dotan Ben-Soussan, T., (2019)
- Dynamics of the sphere model of consciousness:A pilot study comparing the effects of meditation and the Place of Pre-Existence, convention preacts, International conference on Neurophysiology of Silence (ICONS). Assisi, Italy, July 26-28 and in Frontiers Event Abstracts.
- Di Giuseppe, T., Serantoni, G. (2019) The creation of inner scenarios: silence, security and exploration of the unknown and its effect on the quality of the relations in the educational interventions. In convention preacts, International conference on Neurophysiology of Silence (ICONS). Assisi, Italy, July 26-28 and in Frontiers Event Abstracts.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Serantoni, G. (2019), Promoting Human resilience through the pedagogy for the third millennium, The 5th International Conference on Mental Health and Human Resilience. March 07-08, 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Dotan Ben-Soussan, T., Serantoni, G., (2019) OMM (One Minute Meditation) path for increasing resilience and well-being, The 5th International Conference on Mental Health and Human Resilience. March 07-08, Barcelona, Spain.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Dotan Ben-Soussan, T., Serantoni, G., (2019) Prefiguring the future: an educational project to strengthen resilience and hope in individuals and communities facing natural disasters.The 5th International Conference on Mental Health and Human Resilience. March 07-08, Barcelona, Spain.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Serantoni, G. (2018), Prefigure the future in areas struck by the earthquake: methods and techniques to train workers and the community in hope and planning ability, in convention preacts XVIII National Congress: the contribution of counseling and training to the 2030 agenda, Rome Tre University.
- Paoletti, P., Glicksohn, J., Mauro, F., Di Giuseppe,T., Dotan Ben-Soussan, T., (2017) PHASE: from Art to Neuroplasticity The case of embodied symbols
- Communication donnée dans l’atelier de Jean-Yves Beziau, The Arbitrariness of the Sign, au colloque Le Cours de Linguistique Générale, 1916-2016. L’émergence, Genève, 9-13 janvier 2017 N° D’ISBN : 978-2-8399-2282-1.
- Serantoni, G., Guarino, A., Di Giuseppe, T. (2017) Research-Action to evaluate educational interventions in children’s homes of “L’Albero dell Vita”: application of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model and analysis of the levels of sense of security and professional and relational self-efficacy, in Acts of the International Conference “Counseling and Support – dignified work, non-discrimination and inclusion: password for the present and the future” edit. Hoegrefe.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe,T., Serantoni, G., Perolfi, E. (2017) Training and supervision of children’s homes educators using “Inner Design Technology”: methodological aspects in Acts of the International Conference “Counseling and Support – dignified work, non-discrimination and inclusion: password for the present and the future” edit. Hoegrefe.
- Sgobbi, L., Messina, G., Lodico, S., Di Giuseppe,T., Serantoni, G., (2017)
- Participation in Research-Action to evaluate the specifics of the interventions in the contexts of services by “L’Albero della Vita”: reflections and proposals in Acts of the International Conference “Counseling and Support – dignified work, non-discrimination and inclusion: password for the present and the future” edit. Hoegrefe.
- Sette, S., Di Giuseppe, T. e Baumgartner, E., (2016) Quality of the teacher-child relationship and socio-emotional skills in a group of pre-school children: comparison of two schools, in Psychology of education, vol ½ national journal edited by Spaggiari.
- Paoletti, P., Pavoncello, D., Di Giuseppe, T., Serantoni, G., (2016) Young people and work: Prospects and the search for meaning. Journal: Search for Meaning, vol. 2016/3; ed. Erickson.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Dotan Ben Soussan, T., (2016) The theoretical development of the self: interdisciplinary tools to face change, in the convention acts: The age of uncertainty, orientation and life design in the 21st century, XVI congress of the Italian society of orientation, Milan Bicocca University, Cleup edition.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Dotan Ben Soussan, T., Di Maggio, I., Di Norcia, A., Bombi, A.S,(2016) The empty space: The importance of parent attention, neutrality and observation in the parent-child relationship. Convention acts of the Second International Conference on Mindfulness, American Health and Wellness Institute, Sapienza University of Rome.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Dotan Ben Soussan, T., Benini, M.,(2015) Inner Design Technology : Pedagogy for the Third Millennium. Neuroscience and pedagogy in support of training and counseling interventions in preacts of Counseling and orientation in Italy and in Europe; October 2nd and 3rd October, XV congress of the Italian society of orientation, University of Padua, Cleup edition.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Santilli, S., Nota, L., Soresi, S., (2015) Narrations and stories of courage by a group of Peruvian teachers from the outskirts of Lima and Iquitos. Training proposals in preacts of Counseling and orientation in Italy and Europe, 2nd and 3rd October, XV congress of the Italian society of orientation, University of Padua, Cleup edition.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Perolfi, E., Di Maggio, I.,(2015), The hopes and motivations of some workers who try to save street children from Nova Iguaçu (Brazil). Training and counseling to support the non-profit organization Casa Do Menor in preacts of Counseling and orientation in Italy and Europe; 2nd and 3rd October, XV congress of the Italian society of orientation, University of Padua, Cleup edition.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Nota, L., Santilli, S. e Soresi, S.(2015)
- The courage of high quality school inclusion. A project and a protocol to be shared. In the newsletter for high quality inclusion by the Ateneo Center for services and Research for Disability, Rehabilitation and Integration, no. 2, June.
- Di Giuseppe, T, Siciliano, I., Di Giacomo, S. et al. (2014) on clinical applications of the model (chapter IV) in Every psychopathology there is a gift of love, edited by Colacicco, F.; ed. Scione, Rome.
- Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T. & Di Maggio, I. (2014). Positive Psychology in developing countries. In L. Nota & S. Soresi (Eds.), positive Psychology and community. Florence: Hogrefe.
- Paoletti, P., Soresi, S., Di Giuseppe, T., Di Maggio, I., Perolfi, E. (2014). The no Profit Sector Recognizes and Rethinks itself in the Light of the third Millennium challenges. The European Conference on Education 2014, in Official Conference Proceedings, ISSN:2188-1162 Brighton, United Kingdom.
- Pavoncello, D., Di Giuseppe, T., Aprile, V & Paoletti, P. (2013). Young Italians amongst hope, future and planning ability. Pedagogical orientations. Erikson edition.
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