Become a volunteer:
Live passionately!
Offer your time and your abilities to
spread awareness and peace.
Doing something to make other people happy improves your emotional and physical wellbeing tangibly. This has been demonstrated by numerous scientific research such as the studies by the University of South Tennessee, published in the journal Emotion, which even emphasized that dedicating your time to others is much more effective than to yourself.
This can be confirmed by the hundreds of volunteers that give a little of their time to the activities of the foundation every year. Do as they do: become a volunteer!
Here is how you can act immediately:
- Becoming a volunteer for neuroscientific research: participating in the research protocols will allow the study to be realized quicker. It is important to specify that this research is never invasive or health-damaging. Fill in the form and you will receive all the information on the research protocols and on the way they will be carried out;
- Become a volunteer for the Caravan of the Heart: this campaign of awareness raising taking place during the summer is an experience everyone should make at least once in a lifetime. Each year more than 100 volunteers travel along the most beautiful beaches in Italy to meet people and tell them about the vision and projects of the foundation. Fill in the form and come to the Caravan!
What do our volunteers say about us?

Carlo, volunteer for the Caravan of the Heart
“The Caravan of the Heart gives me great happiness everytime I participate. This happiness arises from sharing the values I believe in: education, school, social commitment. In this way I manage to understand better and better that these are really the values that move me, the values that I have inside. Yes, this is a very simple way of reminding myself who I am.”

Ciro, neuroscientific research volunteer
“I participated in the research on Quadrato Motor Training. It was an incredible experience and completely unexpected. I was simply asked to follow certain movements 5 minutes every day in my home and to do tests once in a while. After months of training I experienced concrete benefits, feeling more active and creative.”

Andrea, volunteer for the Caravan of the Heart
“I participate in the Caravan of the Heart every year and it involves many Italian but also foreign volunteers from Spain, Israel, Argentina and the United States. We raise awareness face to face in a direct relationship to meet hundreds of thousands of people. We walk on the beaches, beach umbrella to beach umbrella, to look into the people’s eyes and share our message with them: Live passionately and remember to smile more”