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Articles written by: Redazione scientifica

Il cervello degli adolescenti
What happens in the brains of adolescents and what is the latest from the psycho-pedagogical research and projects of Patrizio Paoletti Foundation? We find out in this interview with Tania Di Giuse…
Silenzio e psicofisica
On the morning of October 22, 1850, psychologist and statistician Gustav Theodor Fechner, while in his bed recovering from an eye injury, had an insight that is considered the basis of modern psych…
Ricerca neuroscientifica e benessere psicofisico
The Research Institute in Neuroscience, Education and Didactics (RINED) is part of the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation (FPP), an Italian foundation registered in the National Register of Research at t…
Giornata Mondiale dei Genitori e denatalità
For the Global Day of Parents set for 1 June 2023 by the United Nations, the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, which is dedicated to research and training for the wellbeing of individuals, families and…
Essere buoni genitori
In 2020, the National Association of Italian Divorce Lawyers recorded a boom in separations as an effect of the pandemic and forced cohabitation, an increase of 60 per cent compared to the previous…
Different kinds of addictions are significant mental health risk factors and education can make a big difference in our ability to manage them.
La capacità di immaginazione
One of the most important insights produced by neuroscience in recent years is undoubtedly the discovery of how much the ability to imagine characterizes us as a species and the difference it has m…
As in many other areas, with regards to the cognitive function of movement, Maria Montessori was a great precursor. The great pedagogist teaches us that from the moment children are born they learn…
Crisi di salute mentale
April 7 marked the 75th World Health Day with the motto Health For All! The day, announced by the World Health Organization, is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made over the years and on …

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