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Pedagogy for the Third Millennium

Gioco e sviluppo cerebrale

Play and Brain Development

Since Neumann’s “Game Theory” was used in the 1940s to explain human behavior in fields such as economics, politics and biology, it has become increasingly clear that play is not just a form of entertainment for children and adults. Instead, play is a crucial element in the development and nurtur…
L'educazione basata sulle neuroscienze

Education based on neuroscience to realize our potential: interview with Elena Perolfi, head of training projects

In this interview with Elena Perolfi, head of the Foundation’s educational and training projects, we find out how a child’s brain grows amid neurodevelopment, synaptogenesis, and education, and how Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti applies this knowledge in its educational practice with young children.
L’autostima si impara

Self-esteem is learned with the law of a hundred steps of mediation

Parents and teachers often ask themselves how they can help their children and students develop self-esteem. At AIS – Assisi International School, the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation school based on the Montessori Method and Pedagogy for the Third Millennium, students can develop self-esteem through…
Grave crisi di autostima tra gli adolescenti

Are we experienceing a global self-esteem crisis? Self-esteem education as a possible response to the mental health emergency in adolescence

There are many factors that seem to point to a severe self-esteem crisis among adolescents, from the boom in cosmetic surgery, to the increase in anxiety and depression, and the rise in cases of suicide among university students. The exposure to aesthetic and high-performance social models, marke…
Il sonno è un processo biologico cruciale

The gift of sleep: helping the brain protect our mental well-being while we sleep.

Sleep is a crucial biological process and has long been recognized as a determining factor in human health and performance. Although not all sleep functions are fully understood, it is known that it restores energy, promotes healing, interacts with the immune system and has a real impact on brain…

The new technostress and “old” addictions: be educated and educate to manage mental health risks.

Different kinds of addictions are significant mental health risk factors and education can make a big difference in our ability to manage them.

Let’s move! Movement as an integral part of learning from Montessori to AIS… and some advice for parents and educators

As in many other areas, with regards to the cognitive function of movement, Maria Montessori was a great precursor. The great pedagogist teaches us that from the moment children are born they learn through movement. It is a matter of fact confirmed by neuroscience. According to Rizzolatti and Sin…
Salute mentale

Educate the inner world and be healthy consciously

April 7 marked the 75th World Health Day with the motto Health For All! The day, announced by the World Health Organization, is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made over the years and on the current mental health crisis, especially among adolescents.

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