“Prefigure the future” in the schools of Italy. A marvellous journey has started together with more than 1000 students, teachers and parents.
“Prefigure the future: methods and techniques to strengthen Hope and Planning ability arrives in Italian schools. In these days, in 13 secondary schools across all of Italy, a marvellous journey of consciousness raising and training has started for more than 1000 students, teachers and parents, to learn how to use the treasure of the mind and strengthen abilities such as resilience, prefiguration and planning ability. A free, digital platform will accompany the beneficiaries for 8 weeks in a course with meetings in person and online, video lessons and teaching material. The project was created by the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation and co-financed by Mediolanum non-profit Foundation. The University of Padua – FISPPA Department – is the institutional partner, which will conduct a study on the the project’s impact.
Becoming our own best friend is really possible. How? Learning how to face difficulties, uncertainties and the unforeseen through practical training that allows us to embrace pain and transform difficulty in strength and determination. The general objective of the project is in fact to fortify people in order to foresee, prevent and prepare themselves for changes present in the lives of individuals and communities in the post Covid-19 era.
From the beginning of the pandemic, in fact, the cases of anxiety and depression increased all over the world. Social isolation and economic difficulties bring about psychological distress that can have long-term consequences (Nature,2020). The increase in irritability, sleep disorders and anxiety is present in 65% of children less than 6 years and 71% of those older than 6 years, to the age of 18 (Ministry of Health, 2020).
Raising the awareness of subjects regarding the inner positive resources of people and the possibility to use practical tools to increase the ability to generate resilient contexts therefore becomes central for all actors of change.
Schools and families find themselves on the front line of facing individual, social and economic change, direct and immediate effects of the COVID19 health emergency. And precisely these children, parents, teachers and staff who work in the schools are the beneficiaries of this project. The course is made up of the following parts: 11 video lessons on “The 10 keys of resilience” and 5 live webinar modules on mental maps.
The project includes a training intervention according to the program listening and inclusion with the focus on: resilience in favor of school. The modules are focused on the possibility of cultivating the practice of awareness and prefiguration in an experiential way, as tools for resilience, through the Pedagogy for the Third Millennium (Paoletti, 2008). This methodology offers a structured course of self-education and lifelong learning to become more aware and determined and pursue one’s own objectives of personal and collective improvement. Specifically, in the course various techniques will be shared with the objective to help teachers, students and parents to recognize, embrace and manage emotions with the aim of prefiguring the future.
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